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硬體與VR遊戲程式設計 162次觀看・0收藏・

    Hi!在日本大家都叫我Lee,目前就讀於日本北陸先端科學技術大學院大學--知識科學系博士班二年級,主要研究領域為人機互動 (HRI & HCI),尤其是虛擬實境、互動式機器人,透過整合兩種技術進而開發出新的互動方式。曾任職於新創無人機公司負責arduino開發、中部創新教育基地3D印表機設計、台南藝術大學的Maker Space的創始人員、與山水雲林的網站實習PM,因此也累積許多從零開始的專案經歷。

    Currently, I am a Ph.D. Candidate at Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology. My main research direction is in the field of human-computer interaction.

    Extracurricular activities:
    From 2014 to 2016, when I was studying at the National Formosa University, I joined the Open FabLab when it is in the pioneering stage and was appointed as the head of the 3D printer department. These two years, I have cooperated with students in different professional fields such as electronic and electrical engineering, information engineering, and multimedia engineering, jointly developed different types of 3D printers and their peripheral applications, and held several teacher seminars, Makerthon, workshops, and club teaching at all levels of schools, etc., to improve technology-related education below the university.

    Academic achievements:
    My ability in the field of human-computer/ robot interaction (HCI & HRI) can be proved by my academic articles. For example, I have published several international conference papers in IEEE (AIVR 2020 & NICOGRAPH 2018) and ACM (ICVR 2019), one of the paper received the best poster award in "NICOGRAPH 2018", and received the best paper award in "Prospective Smart Medical and Care System Conference".